IT WORKS! Medien wurde von Annekatrin Hendel 2004 gegründet und stellt seitdem erfolgreich anspruchsvolle Spiel- und Dokumentarfilme für den Kino- und TV-Markt her. Im Miteinander etablierter Filmemacher und des filmischen Nachwuchses sind berührende Filme entstanden, die sich abheben, beim Publikum funktionieren und eine lange Lebensdauer haben. Erste Filme wie Thomas Wendrichs Regiedebüt ZUR ZEIT VERSTORBEN, Pepe Planitzers ALLEALLE, Olaf Kaisers MADE IN GDR, Holly Tischman und Sabine Michels MIT FANTASIE GEGEN DEN MANGEL erzielten Auszeichnungen und Preise, zahlreiche Festivalteilnahmen und wurden schnell zu Publikumserfolgen in Kino und Fernsehen.
ItworksMedien Gmbh (© by Beate Nelken)

Beauty and Decay @ Hot Docs Canada

Beauty and Decay @ Hot Docs Canada

We’re very happy about the World-Premiere of „Beauty And Decay“ (Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit) by Annekatrin Hendel in Toronto: Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, North America’s largest documentary festival!!

Fri, Apr 26
8:30 PM Scotiabank Theatre 3
Sat, Apr 27
1:15 PM TIFF Bell Lightbox 1
Sun, May 5
6:30 PM Scotiabank Theatre 13

In Berlin, Sven Marquardt is legendary for working as the stone-faced gatekeeper of ultra-exclusive techno club Berghain, but there’s more to the famous bouncer than meets the eye: he also wrote a bestselling autobiography and is an accomplished photographer. Now, as Germany celebrates the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Marquardt revisits his days as a young East German punk. This glimpse of his early career also sees him reunite with his former muse, Dominique Hollenstein, to shoot a new series of portraits, and looks in on the life of his friend Robert Paris, a photographer who moved away from his art and now spends most of the year as a happy family man in India. Moving between observational scenes of Marquardt at work and highlights of his gorgeous black-and-white portrait photography, Beauty and Decay is a fascinating look at three close friends, still giving society the middle finger and ignoring preconceived notions of what it means to age. Aisha Jamal

Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit preisgekrönten Film jetzt streamen


Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit preisgekrönten Film jetzt streamen

